Sunday, April 25, 2010

25 april 2010 00:49 (Singapore Open 2010 )

currently working on a paper, and was making a motto, have found a good motto to be the motto and the old dont know want to post where, finally post in blogger

Happiness in seeing and understanding is the most beautiful gift of nature ...- Albert Einstein

oh yaaa .. results from singapore, i really cant break my own record, but there may be memories with many cuber come from different country : singapore, malaysia, india, china, Thailand, etc :)

with all competitor Singapore Open 2010with NSA (Nusantara speedcubing Asociation) ian,mas abel, devin, jani

NSA and Singapore Open's MC, ci merry NSA and Anders Larsson (WCA delegate from Sweden)
NSA and the youngest competitor from Thailand

with Azlysha Azmi From Malaysia, She is very fast when solving cube. she called me "faniooooooooo". a weird name, :D

• with Teo Kai Xiang from Singapore with Anders Larsson, when pyraminx event, we're in same group

with ci merry after the competition, treated by main judge, and i sat beside Anders
The First Competition that i will never forget :)

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