Sunday, March 16, 2014

Seraya Island - EDUShare

I just randomly captured this place, Seraya Island, I took this pic when I went there for EDUshare ( march 9, 2014 ). i just came as a volunteer, and help this guys doing their project.. and.. what is EDUshare? and what did we do there? haha! i'm not going to type much here.. you can read what we did there, just by simply click here, here and here, or you can go to their official social media ( Facebook and Blog ) for the update.. hahaaa.. what i love from them is they are very nice and friendly, have a big passion, great intentions and they are awesome for sure!! and for those who are interested in joining or helping them, you can contact them through their social media! Actually i like this kind of activity, but seems like i was too busy lately, I missed a lot of information and didn't follow their activities ..

emmm im just so in love with what i captured and i want to share it here.. and i hope that all of this pics can refresh your eyes for a while.. oakyy.. seeyaa on the next post ! for EDUshare, keeps going guys! you guys are awesome! * PS : I'll be there again if I have a free time, hihihi *

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